Frequently Asked Questions
What type of riding does the team do?
The Trent Team rides in the Ontario Collegiate Equestrian Association's North Zone. Collegiate riding competitions are based on “catch riding,” with riders drawing a horse provided by the host school. Riders accumulate points in their respective classes for their individual standing and for the team. Each rider competes in a Hunter Equitation and Hunter Over Fences class in their assigned division. The OCEA is divided into 4 divisions: Entry, Novice, Intermediate, and Open.
Do I need my own horse?
No! The beauty of our program is that you do not need to have your own horse for lessons OR shows. Kildare Stables provides us with a great team of horses for our weekly lessons! At the shows, hosting schools and private owners provide their own horses for use.
Where do you ride? How long does it take to get there?
We ride at Kildare Stables North Facility. The farm is a 10-minute drive north of Trent University.
How often do I have to ride?
Team members must practice at least once a week, but you can ride more or less often to accommodate your schedule provided that there are available lesson spots. We recognize, as students, that everyone may need to take a week for Midterms off from riding. As long as you attend 12 lessons per semester, there is some flexibility.
Do I have to attend every show?
Yes! Being a part of the Trent University Equestrian Team requires a commitment to your show season AND your team members! You will be informed ahead of time how many shows have been scheduled and given an approximate cost based on last year's expenses. We understand that in extenuating circumstances, some riders may not be able to attend every single show. In this case, exceptions can be made.
How do we get to shows/lessons?
We try to make it as convenient as possible for our members by arranging carpools for each lesson. Once a lesson schedule is organized then we develop carpools for those lessons. The team also carpools to horseshows. Shows can be anywhere from 30 minutes to 5 hours away.
What if I have never ridden before? Is that a problem?
NOT AT ALL! In fact, we are always the most excited when we get beginners! At the moment we do not have many, so we are not representing ourselves as strongly as we could at shows! If you're unsure, send the team an e-mail (trentequestrian@hotmail.com) and come watch a lesson or a show!
I am a grad student. Am I able to participate?
The OCEA does offer showing for graduate and part time students.
What should I know about Tryouts? When are they held?
Tryouts occur at the beginning of each semester. Tryouts consist of a short flatting class and then based on your experience/comfort jumping a short hunter course. You might even be asked to swap horses during your tryout.
Let's talk money. Is it expensive to be on the team?
OEF Membership: approximately $70 (https://ontarioequestrian.ca/membership/)
Try-out fee: $55 - paid prior to try-out
Fall Semester Lesson Fee: $550 (subject to change for the 2022/2023 season)
Show Fee: approximately $100 /show (Normally 5-6 shows over the academic year)
Accommodations/Carpooling at Shows: Approximately $50 (subject to change for the 2022/2023 season)
Do I need my own equipment?
You should have your own riding apparel. It is possible that teammates will be able to lend you or even sell you their own equipment, if need be. We ask that you have a show jacket, white show shirt, and beige breeches. You should have your own riding boots and a helmet because it is important for your own comfort and safety that those fit you right! No personal tack is needed.